Fabric (Measure the fabric around you 1 1/2 times or 2 times and have the clerk at the store cut it for you.)
Elastic (Wrap around you pretty tight then cut it. You want it to gather)
Saftey Pin.
Tank Top
Sewing Machine
HERE is the best tutorial that I could find for the elastic part.
I bought a ton of colored tanks at Wal-Mart on clearance $2.50.
Found some cute material and the rest is history.
All are knit material except the short one, that is all cotton.
Just cut your tank top short mid rib, then after you complete your dress, I use a zig-zag stitch to connect the top to the bottom.
For the hem I just pined and sewed. I don't like ironing so that was out of the question too, LOL.
Quick tutorial for the dress.
Fold good sides together and sew all the way up the side.
Then for the top of the dress fold over about an inch at least wider than your elastic and pin it all the way around, then sew next to the end of the fold making a pocket for your elastic.
Leave an area open for your elastic.
Take the elastic and add a safety pin at the end of it and pull it all the way through. Connect both ends with the safety pin. Then try it on and see if that will work. That way you can always cut more off so that it is not that loose. Once you have the right size sew the elastic together. Then sew the dress band up.
Make sure when you put your tank inside the dress before sewing that you have right sides touching right sides.
Zig zag it all around.