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Saturday, February 27, 2016

$1 Tree Door Hanger--Easter

Super cute door hanger where all items where bought at the $1 Tree!

Wreath form -$1
3 - green and carrot garland -$3
Rabbit decoration -$1
Total spent $5 without tax

Wrap garland around the form twisting it to the other to connect.
Put the rabbit head where you want it and put the hanger string under the wreath and pull up for the hanger then wrap the garland around it to hold in place then twist the garland around another piece of Garland and there you go. Probably makes no sense but I have no idea how to describe it. Good luck!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mardis Gras Door Decor

Hey guys....super simple craft here. I saw a wooden sign on Pinterest and I thought I could recreate as my own. I bought 1 piece of white foam poster board at the Dollar Tree. Drew a Fleur De Lis with a pencil then used my Exacto Knife to cut it out. I painted the base in dark green making sure I went around the edges too. Let that dry then I did the details. Super Super easy. I stuck some floral wire through the top when I was done. Viola! Check it out:

With the rest of the board that I cut it out with, I just pained that purple and gold and hung that up. So easy and pretty darn cute.

A couple of complete Dollar Tree hangers that I completed tonight!