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Saturday, December 10, 2011

T-Shirt Scarf!!!!!

I love t-shirt crafts!!!! They are awesome! I decided I wanted to try the curled t-shirt craft that I saw on Pinterest (the best site in the world!) I looked everywhere in my closet (and my husband's too) and couldn't find one that I wanted to use. So off to Wal-mart I go. I got 2 4xl shirts out of men's wear one red and one black. Ran (drove) to my house and procrastinated. LOL Once I got started though there was noooo turning back!!

4xl black mens t-shirt
paper plate
Fabri-tac glue
Rotary Cutter (I can't believe I have lived this long without one of these doodads!!)
Cutting board (The rotarty cutter is so sharp it will slice through all kinds of stuff)

How To:
Lay the shirt flat on the cutting board.
Put the paper plate on the shirt.
Take rotary cutter (or scissors) and cut around the plate.
Cut as many circles around the shirt you can.
Once done, cut spirals around the circles.
Stretch the spiral cuts out and rub your hands up and down them to stretch.
Continue with all.
Take two and glue the tips together to make one long string per 2 circles.
When done, gather together and take a scrap piece of shirt and tie around to keep them together, then to make it presentable, another square scrap and glue it around the knot "hiding" it.

You can find videos on how to do these on Pinterest!! Come and follow me by clicking the Pinterest logo on the left hand side of this page!


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